1. Name The name of the association is: Child Care Denmark
2. Home location:
The association's registered office is: Nordfyns Kommune Denmark
Address: Child Care Denmark, Farstrupvej 86, 5471 Søndersø
3. Purpose
a) The association's purpose is to provide assistance to children in third world countries who, due to war, disaster, AIDS and social distress, are unable to attend school and other basic life necessities.
b) Assistance is provided regardless of race, religion or political affiliation.
c) The association supports projects and children through the association "Uganda Child Care Denmark" which is an NGO in Uganda, as well as other associations approved by the board.
4. The Board of Directors
a) The Association is chaired by a Board of Directors consisting 3 - 5 members + alternates who make all decisions there, that is not separately assigned to the General Meeting.
b) The Board shall constitute itself with the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, treasurer and Board members.
c) The Board of Directors are elected for a term of two years at a time so that half of the members of the Board are elected at the annual general meeting, and so that the Chairman, Secretary, a member of the Board of Directors and an alternate resign at uneven years and vice-chairmen and treasurers, a member of the Board and a alternate departing in even years. Re-election can take place.
d) Two alternates are elected to the members of the Board of Directors. The alternates may, at the decision of the Board of Directors, participate in the work.
e) Board meetings are held when the Chairman or 2 other members of the Board so wish, but at least once a year.
f) The Board of Directors is convened to meet with the Chairman with min. 4 days notice.
g) A decision report is made from the board meetings.
h) The Board of Directors may set up committees to carry out special tasks within the framework of the association.
i) The decisions of the Board of Directors shall be taken by a simple majority of votes.
(j) The Board of Directors is quorum when at least 3/5 of the members are present.
5. General Meeting
a) The general meeting consists of the members of the Board of Directors and sponsors present.
b) The general meeting is held once a year.
c) The Board of Directors convenes a general meeting in writing with at least two weeks' notice.
d) An extraordinary general meeting shall be held if min. 30% of the association's sponsors require it.
e) The agenda for the annual general meeting is as follows:
1. Election of Chairman and Rapporteur.
2. Report on the activities of the association in the past year v. The chairman.
3. Presentation of accounts v. treasurer.
4. Setting the quota for the coming year.
5. Consideration of proposals received.
6. Election of Board Members.
7. Optionally.
Proposals to be considered at the general meeting must be submitted to the chairman no later than 4 days before the general meeting. Voters at the general meeting are: members of the Board of Directors, present sponsors who have paid a quota or contributions to Child Care Denmark. 1 vote is cast per sponsor. The right to vote can only be exercised in person at the general meeting.
6) Members
The association has two types of membership: members and support members.
Members are eligible to vote.
Support members are not eligible to vote.
Members (entitled to vote) You are a member with the right to vote if you have signed mine. a sponsorship in Child Care Denmark.
Support members (non-voting) All private individuals with an interest and for the association can subscribe for support without voting rights.
A quota for supporting members is approved at the general meeting.
7. Accounting and Auditing.
a) The association's financial year runs from 1 January to 31 December.
The Supervisory Board must submit accounts and documentation for the previous year and status as at 31 December. December 31 to the auditors. The accounts and status must bear the auditors' signature and signature. At the Annual General Meeting, two auditors are elected for two years at a time in uneven and even years respectively, one of which is a registered / authorized auditor. The auditors must review the annual accounts every year and ensure that the legislation is complied with and that the accounts are present.
b) Eligible are: 2 members of the board.
8. Statutes and Resolution
a) Amendments to the articles of association and resolutions on dissolution of the association can only be made at the general meeting, and only if 3/4 of the voting members present vote.
(b) The general meeting which decides on the dissolution of the association shall at the same time decide what the assets of the association shall be transferred to, the liquidation proceeds or the proceeds of the dissolution shall be transferred to another association or organization resident in the country or in a other EU / EEA country and which has a non-profit or otherwise charitable purpose.
9. Exclusion
A member may be excluded by the association if he or she damages the association's reputation or purpose or fails to fulfill their obligations regarding payment. The decision on exclusion is made by the Board of Directors and must be approved or rejected at the first subsequent general meeting.
10. Remuneration
(a) Members of the Supervisory Board and the committees appointed by the Supervisory Board do not receive any remuneration for their work, but are only entitled to receive remuneration in accordance with the rules laid down by the Supervisory Board.
b) The Supervisory Board may decide to employ paid assistance to manage the Supervisory Board's daily operations.
Child Care Denmark's Board of Directors:
Carsten Jespersen Board member / director
Bjarne Larsen Vice Chairman
Gerner Frederiksen Chairman
Joan Sørensen Member / Secretary
Christian Brink Treasurer