A christmas sack

$ 40,51
Item number: A Christmas sack

The Christmas bag contains: 

1 pack. spaghetti 500 g., 

2 kg. sugar, 

2 kg. rice, 

2 kg cornmeal, 

2 l. Coca Cola,

A pack of Christmas cookies, 

Christmas decorations, 

1 pack of Christmas candles (homelite tropical candles) 

10 hp matches,

 A pack of family biscuits, 

A pack of chocolate biscuits (assorted chocolates), strawberry, orange,

A pack of Uganda tea 1/2 l. 

Cooking oil 1 l. 

Sunsip blackcurrant juice, 

A large bag of sweets (Just Fruits) 

(take in account small changes in the package)
